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Mark The Date

Mark the date September 1 on your calendar. That’s the day that 17 Days That Changed America will hit the market. Good thing, because word has begun to spread about the book thanks to publicity that’s running in the area where the bridge collapsed nearly 55-years ago and word of mouth. Those who know about the book are asking me a wide range of questions.

Some want to know about the individuals that were on the bridge the night it fell into the icy waters of the Ohio River, and were there any survivors. Others want to know what caused the bridge collapse and who’s to blame for one of this country’s deadliest highway tragedies. One person even asked me if the families that lost loved ones took any kind of legal action, and were the families compensated for their tragic loss.

The only thing I say to those who want immediate answers to their questions is that they’ll have to wait until September 1, because the answers to their questions and so much more are all in the book.

In the meantime, keep those questions coming by emailing me at:

Dr. Michael Price

Ordained Minister
Published Author