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Looking Good

I’ve heard it said before that other people make you look good, and I believe it. What other people say and do can bring a person unexpected accolades. Case in point is my website and my publisher.

The website was designed by Zvenz, a top-notch computer company in Raleigh, NC. I know you’ll agree that the website was professionally designed, artistically built, and easily navigated. These are three qualities that a writer like myself needs in a website, especially if the writer wants to be noticed and their books brought to the public’s attention.

Likewise, the same could be said of my publisher, Dr. Mike Simpson, and the good folks at Indigo Sea Press in Kernersville, NC. For over a decade, Mike has helped me become a better writer thanks to his professional guidance, timely thoughts, and valuable insights. He is the publisher that all writers wish they had working with them.

So, hats off to you, Zvenz, and Mike. You’ve made me appear to be better than I actually am!

Dr. Michael Price

Ordained Minister
Published Author